Monday, January 19, 2009

Spelling & Grammar

Let's get this out of the way first off: I know that I'm not the best speller or grammar person and terrible with comma placement. I try to be diligent with using spellcheck, but, an occasional word will slip me up. However, I sometimes wonder about people my age and younger.

I received an email recently from a young family member and was appalled at her lack of spelling skills. Punctuation? Non-existent. I had to email her back and say that I couldn't understand anything written because it was all one sentence.

One of my biggest pet peeves, besides parking garages, is shortening words in emails or text messages. I hate the new world of symbols and letters meaning words. Jeez, just type the word! g2g? lmao? Ugh! To me, that means you are too lazy to type the word out. Also, don't text someone "k". You can't even put an "o" before it? Just don't respond!

I wonder sometimes if it's just laziness. Please spellcheck or read something out loud before you send it out. Loser is not the same as Looser. To and Too mean separate things.

Am I too harsh with this one?


RobinBrant said...

Don't even get me started about "their" and "there", my darling. I am so with you, because I am crotchety like that.

Megan said...

YOu are probably better at it than I am even, so you won't ever hear a complaint from me. Keep on keeping on.

elizabeth said...

lol ur soooooo funnie!!!!!!!!!

elizabeth said...

And now for my real pet peeve? Definately.

Unknown said...

OMG u r so cra z! LOL (I really hate that one!!)

Did Robin just admit she is crotchety?